Thursday, June 27, 2013
In this particular chapter, Lehi sees a vision of the Tree
of Life. Laman and Lemuel, refusing to entirely have faith in the Lord refuse
to eat the fruit of the tree. The Tree of Life represents God’s love for us,
the fruit represents eternal life and the iron rod symbolizes the Word of God –
the Gospel. I believe in this chapter we can say that this is where Heavenly
Father openly shows His love for Nephi and his brother Sam. They, throughout
all of the hard times, have remained faithful to the Lord. They trusted him when
He asked them to go to Laban’s house to get the plates and never doubted that
he would safely deliver them back to their family. Laman and Lemuel on the
other hand had a very hard time trusting the Lord. Even when an angel appeared
to testify of the truth, they still doubted the Lord. Obviously, we do not want
to be like Laman and Lemuel. Even when the trials of life are difficult, we
need to remain faithful and trust that what the Lord says is the right thing to
My personal example for trusting the Lord is I have to trust
that even with my parents, everything will turn out alright in the end. I have
so much that I could easily lose simply by converting and I hope and trust the
Lord will not only help me through this, but that He will also help my family
see that this is the correct path and faith. Another part to this is my mom
told me that while I am on vacation, I am not allowed to read The Book of
Mormon. I have found that when I don’t read this book, my faith is easily
moved; I have a much harder time standing my ground faith wise. So I asked
Heavenly Father what I should do and the answer was to read The Book of Mormon,
anyway, even if my mom does not approve.
In the chapter, where Sariah, Sam and Nephi are waiting
unsure of where to go, I think it symbolizes how we are. We really aren’t sure
what to go and road to follow unless we have someone telling us. Lehi is a
prophet and he guides the three others so that they may come join him at the
tree of life. The tree of life symbolizes eternal life. So, if we follow the
commandments of Heavenly Father and do good acts as well as have faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ and be baptized by total immersion for the remission of sins,
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end, we too can have
eternal life.
Lehi beckoned Sariah, Sam and Nephi to come over to the tree
to partake of the fruit, “And it came to pass that they did come unto me and
partake of the fruit also.” They listened to Lehi and have done all other
things which makes them good in the eyes of Heavenly Father. Notice that Laman
and Lemuel are not here. They don’t have faith in Heavenly Father and because
of their stubbornness, they will not partake of this fruit.
When we look down at verses 19 and 20, it says “And I beheld
a rod of iron… And I also beheld a strait and narrow path, which came along by
the iron rod, which led to the tree.” The iron rod symbolizes the Word of God
or scriptures, like the Book of Mormon and the Bible. These books are our guide
to lead us on a straight and narrow path, which is God’s path. The last part of
that verse says that. The tree holds fruit which symbolize eternal life. So we
are on a straight path to return to Heavenly Father as long as we do all that
He says.
There were some people who did not or were not able to
follow Lehi to the tree. Those that chose not to follow, once they did taste
the fruit, were ashamed because of their actions. They saw all of the blessings
following Heavenly Father would bring and yet, they did not do that before.
Those who were not able to find the path were lost. I think
the path can symbolize the Word of God as well. I know that at the time when I was
not listening to God, I was truly lost. I was also very, very unhappy with myself
and everyone around me. Honestly, at the time, I did not think God was such a
big deal. I did not think the Bible really meant anything or that it was
anything to really care about. Heavenly Father gave me an opportunity to change
that, and I can say that I’ve never been happier. It helps so much to have
someone you can always rely on and trust. The missionaries have also been
absolutely amazing. I would not trade for them. I think that if it had not been
for all the help they’ve given me, through the power of the Holy Ghost, I would
not have made it as far as I have.
As we continue to strive down the straight and narrow path
the Lord has set for us, and as long as we do all that He says, we can one day
be in His presence again. The trials and all may be tough now, but it will
totally be worth it. I encourage all that have not given the Mormon faith a try
to do so, it literally saved my life and I truly believe it can do the same for
others. Heavenly Father will welcome you back with open arms no matter what you
have done. He did for me, He will do it for you. Ask and you shall receive,
that is a promise He made us. Ask for help and He will give it to you; ask for
an opportunity and you will receive one. Take advantage of it and allow
yourself to change your life for the better. It is entirely worth it, this I can