Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2 Nephi 4

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I always find the stories in 2nd Nephi to be even more significant. While reading through the section, the one thing that really just seemed to stick out to me was verse 16, which says "Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard." Now, obviously Nephi has seen far more things than any of us would ever expect to see. But I think each of us can still completely relate to what this verse is saying. I think most of us can say that when we read scriptures, when we truly read, we can feel our souls leaping in delight and want. When we read, we naturally ponder what we read and ask ourselves, "How can I apply this to my life?" To learn, we need to ponder these things in our hearts and through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will testify of the truths of these things and reveal new truths to us.  
I know how hard it was for Laman and Lemuel to see their father die. They wanted their father to be with them forever. And then, don't we all. I think the one event in my life that made me realize how badly it hurts to lose someone was when I lost my grandfather at Christmas. It was the hardest thing I think that ever happened to me. Now at the time, I was not aware that God was acting in my life. Quite frankly, for the longest time, I wanted God out of my life, or at least as far away as possible. Before my grandfather died, I made it my mission to search and find God. There is a scripture from 3rd Nephi chapter 27 verse 29, which states "Therefore, ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh, receiveth; and unto him that knocketh, it shall be opened."  And I feel that I did that to the very best of my ability. I tried to find that answer I needed. For the first few weeks after Thanksgiving, I read my Bible every night trying to reestablish the relationship with Heavenly Father I had severed a few years back. And yet, it just could not seem to do that. My relationship was gone, it seemed and I couldn't get it back. I told my parents I didn't want to work Sundays anymore and that the money wasn't important. I told them that if I didn't get my Sundays off, I would quit my job so that I could go to church. Thankfully, my manager was kind enough to give me my Sundays off. I went to church and was still searching and searching and I never found what I was looking for. As the weeks went by, my newly established habits dissipated. I stopped going to church and reading the Bible. A few more weeks went by and the next thing I knew, my grandfather was dead. Now like Laman and Lemuel, I did not look to God for help. Honestly, I didn't know He could help and I don't think I would have wanted His help at the time, anyway. Like Laman and Lemuel, I should've turned to God for the help I needed. He's always there to help and guide us. We just need to open our eyes and hearts a bit more to see that. 
Nephi goes on to talk about how hard it is to rejoice when we are burdened with sins. But our Heavenly Father has given us a way through the Atonement of Jesus Christ to rid ourselves of these sins. This is called repentance. It is absolutely essential to the Plan of Salvation, or the Plan of Happiness. When we have sins, we are definitely not happy. Nephi also states this to be true in his writing. When we have sinned, we need to take the initiative and the time to go and truly repent for what we have done wrong. The Lord will forgive you. And even if the person you hurt doesn't, know that the Lord's forgiveness is all you need. He will help you. That is His promise. Nephi says in verses 20 and 21, "My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions… He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh." Nephi just flat out tells us that God will support us and He will love us forever. And we can feel God's love for us. One of the easiest ways to feel His love is just to go and ask Him, "do you love me?". I promise you He will send you an answer that is a yes. And if for some reason He doesn't, it's because He knows you already know He loves you unconditionally. One time an Elder had me go and pray and ask God if He loves me. And the answer is yes. He loves each and every one of us. He will never forget us. We are His children and He loves us so, so, so much.  

"Oh Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever."

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