Sunday, September 15, 2013

Genesis 1

Friday, September 13, 2013

In this chapter, we learn about the creation of the earth. While this is not mentioned in this chapter, I'd like to clarify a few things. Everything was created spiritually before it was created physically. With that being said, it makes sense that we once lived with our Heavenly Father before we came to live here on earth. Our Heavenly Father created a plan for us called The Plan of Salvation, or The Plan of Happiness. In this plan, we were given the option to either come down to earth or not to. Those who chose not to come down to earth did not trust Heavenly Father enough and were cast out of Heaven. Those of us who did trust our Father were sent here to earth so that we can learn and grow and become more like Him. If we live our lives righteously and follow His commandments, we may one day return to live with Him. 
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (verse 1). In the creation of all of this "God created two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also" (verse 16) Something that comes to mind each time I read this verse is that He's with us, just as these great lights are also always with us. There is never a day when we cannot see the sun, or a night where we cannot see the moon or the starts. They are always there, just as He is. And those nights when we cannot see the stars or the moon for a moment, I think, is just like when we cannot feel His presence. They are there, though, even if we cannot see them. As long as we trust that He is still there even if we cannot feel His presence, that feeling will return. We just have to rely on faith. 
When reading the parts of these verses "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them," (verses 26-27). We were all created in God's image. So if we all look like Him, why do we call each other ugly? Why are we so conscious about our appearance and whether or not we are wearing the right brand of clothes? These things don't matter to God. He thinks we are all beautiful and that's all that really matters.

Moses 1

Friday, September 15, 2013

In this chapter Moses gets to see God face-to-face. Moses finds that God's presence is overwhelming and if he had not been transformed in such a way, being in God's presence would have killed him. This is very significant because later, when Satan is claiming to be His Only Begotten Son, Moses can stand in his resence without having to be transformed. 
There were a few verses I found that I would like to point out as being significant to me. The first of which is from verse 3. It states "...Almighty, and Endless is my name; for I am without beginning of days or end of years; and is not this endless?" He is literally telling us that He is with us always and He will never leave us. I find this incredibly comforting to know that there is always someone by my side to support and uplift me in all ways. 
He tells us that "man is nothing," (verse 10). Which is why we really need to depend and put our full trust in Him. He's there for us, and as hard as this may be to imagine, He loves us more than our parents and families ever could. 
In verse 15, it says "Blessed be the name of my God, for his Spirit hath not altogether withdrawn from me, or else where they glory, for it is darkness unto me? And I can judge between thee and God, for God said unto me: Worship God, for him only shalt thou serve." Moses is speaking to Satan basically saying he knows Satan is not God and he knows that what Satan says is not true. We are also told that God told Moses to only worship Him, not the Son. So since Satan is saying to worship the Son, who he is posing as, Moses knows that Satan's words are false. 
Lastly, in verse 24, "Moses lifted up his eyes unto heaven, being filled with the Holy Ghost, which beareth record of the Father and the Son," it states that the Holy Ghost is testifying that there is a Father and a Son. Throughout the scriptures, we learn that the Spirit testifies of the truth of ALL things. Not just some, but of ALL. And since it is testifying of a Father and a Son, we know that exist.  

Abraham 3

Thursday, September 12, 2013

While reading through this chapter, I saw a part of a verse that is particularly meaningful. In verse 18, it says "They existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are... eternal." While when you look above it's talking about the stars, I think we can very easily view ourselves in this. We were made spiritually before we were made physically on this earth. If we live worthily, Heavenly Father has promised us the gift of eternal life and the opportunity to live with Him. I feel like this verse is also talking about us and eternal life. 
Following this, in verse 19, He says "I am the Lord thy God. I am more intelligent than they all." My first reaction to this statement was whoa, He's being really boastful here. But it's true, He is more intelligent than all of us. That is why it is so important that we trust Him and look to Him for guidance. Sometimes we get frustrated because we do not want to wait for Him to help us - we want it to happen right then or we want to make our own decisions. An Elder once told me that it is when we make our own decisions we become accountable before God. He sees the big picture, not just the small moments we see. Because of this, He knows what's best for us. And since He is a merciful God, He will help and guide us as He sees fit. 
The last verse I'd like to point out is verse 25, which clearly states that this life on earth is a time of testing. If we succeed and live worthily and follow His commandments, we have the opportunity to live with Him again.

Abraham 1

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

First off, I would like to bring up the fact that the first time it was confirmed to me that the Book of Mormon is true, I had never once opened the Book. I have been told and will assume this to be true, that my sincere desire alone was enough to find this answer. With that being said, I cannot think of a time where the Holy Ghost has testified the truth to me as I was reading. Until last night. As I read through the first page of the Book of Abraham, I felt a burning sensation in my chest unlike any I have ever felt. Scripture tells us that this is the Holy Ghost testifying of the truth. I know what I have read is true, and the Spirit confirms this. 
In verse 3, we learn that the Priesthood has been on this earth since the beginning of life - passed down to us from Adam. 
One verse that really caught my attention was verse 8, which states "Now at this time it was custom of the priest of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to offer up upon the after which was built in the land of Chalden, for the offering unto these strange gods, men, women, and children." The first thing that rushed through my mind is that our Heavenly Father is a kind and merciful God and would never ask us to do something like this. Life is the gift He gave us so that we could learn and eventually return to live with Him one day. It makes me wonder why people would ever think that any god would ever want such a sacrifice as this. 
Verse 11 specifies who three of the sacrifices were - three young virgins, one was of royal blood. They were sacrificed because they would not bow down and worship any other god. It is incredible to think that three young virgins would give their lives for something they know to be true and did not deny Heavenly Father as being the true God. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

2 Nephi 17

Monday, September 2, 2013

In studying this section from the Book of Mormon tonight, for the first time in awhile, I've had to turn to the seminary guide for help to understand what exactly it was I was reading and why it is significant. 
While reading in the seminary guide, there was one section that particularly stuck out to me. If we look at verse 14, it says "Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign - Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and shall bear a son, and shall give his name Immanuel." Now I'm sure most of us would just jump to the conclusion that Isaiah was prophesying of the coming of Christ. But in this manual, I learned that the prophesies from Isaiah often have duel meanings. One such example would be this one. In the manual, it says that "'God is with us' was meant to reassure King Ahaz that if he turned to the Lord, then God would help him." I think this statement is extremely significant because each time we read through the scriptures, this same idea is reiterated time and time again. If we turn to the Lord, He will help us. While it may not be in the way or the time frame we want, we can know that He's always there and will always help us. 
One thing I've noticed is that He is especially there for us in times of trial. When we really need to be picked back up again, there He is. And that's something we can count on all of the time. 
If we look a little bit higher up, in verse 9, one statement that is made is "If ye will not believe surely ye shall not be established." I think in a way, this verse talks about our lives and goals in general. We could use the word "established" in such a way to where it states that we are establishing our faith. Jesus Christ is supposed to be our rock, or foundation. Something that is permanent and is not wavering. There is a scripture that talks about how we do not want our faith to be wavering because if it is, then we do not have a solid foundation and can be swayed in whichever way society persuades us to go. It is for that reason we need to make sure we are establishing our faith on something firm and steady. Christ is our rock and He is there to guide us. We just need to look to Him. 
Something that was discussed in church yesterday is how sometimes our Heavenly Father will not listen to us if we do not listen to Him. I don't exactly agree with this statement, as I know our Heavenly Father always hears us. But I do think that He won't help us if we aren't willing to listen. After all, how can we? The perfect example of what happens when we ignore Heavenly Father is demonstrated in this chapter. Because two of the kingdoms (specifically) had no faith and ignored our Heavenly Father, they were destroyed. 
If we don't have faith in our Heavenly Father, we can also be destroyed spiritually. So let us make sure we are doing everything we can each day to strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

I would like to encourage each of you to watch this video as a follow-up to this post.