Sunday, September 15, 2013

Abraham 3

Thursday, September 12, 2013

While reading through this chapter, I saw a part of a verse that is particularly meaningful. In verse 18, it says "They existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are... eternal." While when you look above it's talking about the stars, I think we can very easily view ourselves in this. We were made spiritually before we were made physically on this earth. If we live worthily, Heavenly Father has promised us the gift of eternal life and the opportunity to live with Him. I feel like this verse is also talking about us and eternal life. 
Following this, in verse 19, He says "I am the Lord thy God. I am more intelligent than they all." My first reaction to this statement was whoa, He's being really boastful here. But it's true, He is more intelligent than all of us. That is why it is so important that we trust Him and look to Him for guidance. Sometimes we get frustrated because we do not want to wait for Him to help us - we want it to happen right then or we want to make our own decisions. An Elder once told me that it is when we make our own decisions we become accountable before God. He sees the big picture, not just the small moments we see. Because of this, He knows what's best for us. And since He is a merciful God, He will help and guide us as He sees fit. 
The last verse I'd like to point out is verse 25, which clearly states that this life on earth is a time of testing. If we succeed and live worthily and follow His commandments, we have the opportunity to live with Him again.

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